Here is a record of Dexter's Fellrangers. The Fellrangers are listed here:
The following 18 fells are Fellrangers but not Wainwrights (Outlying Fells are marked O, otherwise X, with date climbed):
The Mid Western Fells
Little Stand X 30/11/09
Eskdale Moor O 19/11/11
Great How X 6/5/10
Muncaster Fell O 18/7/15
The Western Fells
Iron Crag X 17/11/12
Knock Murton X 5/7/16
The Central Fells
Bell Crags X 6/7/16
The Southern Fells
Black Combe O 11/11/11
Caw O 2/9/14
Great Worm Crag O 9/9/15
Hesk Fell O 3/9/14
Stainton Pike O 15/11/14
Whitfell O 4/3/15
Buckbarrow O 4/3/15
Stickle Pike O 14/11/10
Wallowbarrow Crag X 7/7/16
Walna Scar O 2/5/09
Yoadcastle O 15/11/14
Of these, there are only 3 which we had not climbed upon completion of the Wainwrights and Outlying Wainwrights. They are Bell Crags, Knock Murton and Wallowbarrow Crag and these were completed on 5, 6 & 7 July 2016.